Justice prevails: Iboga case professor is reinstated

As of yesterday, Professor Dan Gladish, the Miami Conservatory director who had been unfairly recommended for termination over the iboga case, has been reinstated with tenure and at his former rank. Justice has prevailed!

AAUP and Professor Gladish are deeply grateful for the community’s support and concern. We have no doubt that it made a difference to the outcome of the case, and Professor Gladish has told us that it made a great difference to his morale over the last 13 months.

We are also grateful for the tireless work of the Faculty Rights & Responsibilities Committee over the past semester. Their work is essential and they do it well. Here’s to due process and shared governance!

This fight isn’t over yet. We are still awaiting the outcome of the case of Prof. John Cinnamon, the other unfairly terminated professor. We are sad not to be able to do much for Brian Grubb, the conservatory manager who was forced to resign and has been very supportive of the faculty. But yesterday was a big win and we are hopeful. 

Miami AAUP has fought hard for Professor Gladish and Cinnamon. Should you be unfairly treated at Miami, we stand ready to fight for you, and we work constantly to advocate for fairer university policies. The more members we have, the more effective and powerful we can be in working for you. If you aren’t already part of the movement for a fairer Miami, join today at aaup.org/join.





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